How has shipping evolved from ancient times to the present day?

A Based on this it is possible to best imagine the expression of transportation as the vascular system that surrounds the human body, in which the essential oxygen for the organs is transported with the help of different means of transport. Without its current form, our globalized world could become unimaginable and unlivable.

Shipping can be considered a branch of logistics. Its purpose is that the delivery of goods can be carried out in such a way that it can be as optimal as possible in terms of time, cost and the safety of the delivery. During the implementation of the activities, the situation of the goods does not change, it is only a matter of planning them.

How was shipping itself born?

The development of the transportation process, such as, say, this form of air freight goes back to ancient times. Because it was during this period that the attitude developed in merchant circles, during which merchants tried to offer their goods for sale in more distant settlements. They sent consignments under their own responsibility and at their own expense, which were sold on the markets by the receiving merchant assistants.

During the implementation of these processes, the logistical background for sending shipments was formed,so the shipment itself. Over time, moving cargo became a much more complex task for traders, and this process was then outsourced. That's when freight forwarders and carriers appeared.

Amikor feltalálták a vasutat és a gőzgépet a lehetőségek gyakorlatilag végtelenek lettek a szállítást tekintve. Az eladásra szánt termékek vagy alapanyagok a világ bármelyik pontjára el tudtak jutni, sőt még gyorsabban is, mint előtte bármikor. Ezáltal alakult ki az a globalizált élet, amelyben napjainkban mi magunk is élünk és, amelyet a szállítmányozás és fuvarozás mai jelenléte nélkül gyakorlatilag megszűnni létezni is.

A szállítmányozás és a fuvarozás közötti különbségek

A lot of companies operate by providing forwarding and carrier tasks at the same time. Therefore, from the outside, it is not surprising that the two activity processes, despite their clear differences, may seem similar and to many people the same. One of the most significant differences between the two activities can be seen in the movement of goods. After all, the company or company that operates in the field of transportation does not physically move cargo.

A The process of international shipping is a mental activity. The freight forwarder organizes the transport and represents his client's interests by means of language, logistics, freight law, geographical and organizational skills. And it does all this in such a way that the given transport can be as efficient as possible with respect to time and costs.

A carrier, on the other hand, is active in the field of physical movement of goods. This is the process during which the product will get from one point to another, i.e. from the customer to the recipient. Carrier activities can be performed by the principal or the consignee, but due to the significant cost, risk and logistical challenges of this, in most cases this task is outsourced.